Charlotte Simpkin, Beauty Therapist

Charlotte has been a beauty therapist at Salon 14 since 2012 and with over 14 years experience in the beauty industry we couldn’t ask for a better therapist, her passion and love of her work fills the beauty room and makes it a welcoming place to be for her lovely clients. Charlotte is the social butterfly of the team, always chatty and has a lovely infectious smile. She’s the queen of organization and loves all her products in order.


Charlotte says the best thing about working at Salon 14 is working with such a lovely bunch of girls, 'it’s great we all get along so well and makes coming to work such a pleasure.'


Charlotte says she has got such lovely clients, always enjoying a chat and a catch up with them that sometimes it doesn’t feel like work, it’s like she’s seeing friends all day long whilst doing what she loves…it’s win win!


Who has more fun…blondes or brunettes? Brunettes!

What do you prefer hair up or hair down? Down

What’s your essential snack to get you through the day? Crisps…I just love them!!!

What’s your favorite beauty treatment? Shellac nails

What hair or beauty product can you not live without? Shellac nails and hairspray!!

What’s your top hair or beauty tip? Always use gloves when cleaning if you want your shellac nails to last.

Shellac nails look so fabulous so make sure you look after them whilst you do the cleaning!!

Call to make an appointment:

01889 566334

01889 592659

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